Julia Terletska, Ukraine

Foundation Coffee Roasters; Nemiroff Vodka Co.


First, I am a bartender with 10 years of experience, 5 of which I am a global brand ambassador of Ukrainian vodka Nemiroff. During all my life I was a coffee lover when I met Foundation Coffee Roasters last year and devoted a lot of time to my new passion for growing my skills and combining them with classic mixology. This is my first championship. Coffee has become a harmonious continuation of many hobbies I have and professional skills because coffee is a perfect and dynamic world, with a powerful history, cultural background, emotional content, deep flavor palette, a bright, talented, charismatic community, the development of which I feel a sincere response. I decided to compete because I feel that I can develop this area. My coffee future was obvious because for many years I used to drink Espresso Martini. Fun fact: the first time I met my coffee team and heard about the championship was a random coincidence not even in my hometown.

what are you excited to do while you are in Copenhagen?:

I look forward to meeting new people, sharing experiences, exploring new tastes, and techniques, and community development. To tell about our local approaches, to dream together and to create something new, to find like-minded persons and soulmates, to create a strong international alliance for cultivation not only Coffee In Good Spirits but Coffee in Everywhere and Bartenders in Coffee as well.

what are your interests outside of coffee?:

I am keen on poetry as a writer, I am interested in psychology, fly yoga, and photography. I provide tea ceremonies, food-pairing events with cocktails, and charity bartending.

is there anyone you’d like to thank?:

I want to express my sincere gratitude to my first and only beloved coach Vlad for the nerves of steel and the devotion with which he accompanies me even remotely. I thank my mentors, colleagues, friends, and everyone who believes in me. You made this moment unforgettable and having you is already a great victory in life.


Reyna Callejo, United States


Punthep Kasemsri Na Ayutthaya, Thailand