Eduardo Choza, United States

Mayorga Coffee


Eduardo is the Director of Coffee at Mayorga Coffee. He oversees the operations of E-commerce and Coffee Education for Mayorga Coffee. Among being a talented roaster he is a Q-Grader and 3x US Coffee Roasting Championship Finalist. Originally from Los Angeles, California he is the proud son of Mexican immigrants from Culiacan, Sinaloa. “My motivation to compete came from wanting to represent something larger than myself. I compete to represent the largest organic Latino-owned roastery; to represent the immigrants and children of immigrants who work there; to represent the producers and pickers in those beautiful coffee growing lands; to represent my family and families who had the courage to cross boarders and seek opportunities for future generations; and to represent my culture, mi gente."

what are you excited to do while you are in Copenhagen?:

I am excited to experience a different culture, eat good food, and experience the coffee scene in Copenhagen.

what are your interests outside of coffee?:

I enjoy cooking and eating great pastries. I have a thing for Kouign-amann's and its hard to pass up a good soup. I also enjoy attending concerts and baseball games.

is there anyone you’d like to thank?:

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me and has had a hand in my making it this far. Thank you to everyone at Mayorga Coffee, from top to bottom and all in between, and the coffee folks I've met a long the way that believed in my before I believed in myself. I'd like to thank my mom and aunts and uncles for teaching me about work ethic, optimism, struggle, and perseverance. To the special people in my life, thank you for pushing me and believing in me.


Ply, Canada


Igor Protsko, Ukraine